• Webinar recording

The first step in successfully restructuring your business is knowing what is possible.

Whether your business has grown and evolved over time, you are looking to introduce a new business partner, merge your business with another, or restructure ahead of selling your business, your business's legal structure might no longer be suitable. And that can obstruct your progress to the next stage in your business lifecycle.

Changing the legal structure of your business involves transferring assets, potentially triggering capital gains tax, income tax, GST or stamp duty. However, there are measures available, such as roll-overs, to defer these taxes and not hinder desirable restructures.

Planning the optimal restructuring for your business requires managing these important tax risks. 

In this session we covered the following:

  • When your business structure is no longer fit for purpose
  • Reasons to change your business’s legal structure
  • Determining the optimal structure (and the pathway to get there) that is right for you
  • Firewalling assets from business risk
  • Examples of restructures illustrating a pathway from your current structure to a new one

Nexia Australia invites you to watch our national webinar delivered by National Tax Director, David Montani.




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Nexia Australia Advisory Pty Ltd is a member of the Nexia Australia Pty Ltd Umbrella Group. Nexia Australia Pty Ltd is a member of Nexia International, a leading, global network of independent accounting and consulting firms. For more information, please visit www.nexia.com.au/legal. Neither Nexia International nor Nexia Australia Pty Ltd provide services to clients.

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